Smiley Records

The newest and coolest way to buy new records

Year 2022

Tools UX, UI

Category Music


Buying records can sound like an unattractive and even boring activity. “Smiley Record” is an online record store inspired by contemporary music platforms. If there are a lot of happy and good-humored singles that have been released, the store will make you feel it. This feature will help you store in the most innovative way.

Desktop Version

The main page was designed and built in the most convenient way. It contains “e-Commers” elements, the arrangement of objects and instructions on how to choose the best shipping method for you.

Product page

Desktop version

On the page you can see the inspiration we got from different digital music platforms. The way the songs are displayed and the big, bold “buy button” that identifies with the world of “e-Commers”.

Genres page’s

Desktop version

On the genres page, the images used have been selected in relation to the genre they show. If you select any genre, you can apply filters that allow you to get deeper evaluations, such as price ranges, in stock/out of stock and more.

Wishlist page’s

Desktop version

The wish list pages allow customers to save their favorite records that they would like to purchase at a later date. In addition, you can open several wish lists on this page and move the entries among themselves.

Checkout page’s

Desktop version

The login page, where you can log in with your Google or Facebook account ,as well as the “My Bag” and “Checkout” pages are borrowed from the world of “e-Commers” and make shopping clearer and safer for the customer

Thank you!